What is fever?
Fever is increase in the body temperature more than normal range. Fever may be frank increase in temperature or just malaise, body aches headache etc. Fever may be acute or chronic in nature. Undiagnosed fever is also called PUO pyrexia of unknown origin.
What are the causes of fever?
Most common causes of fever are:
- Infections:
- Viral infections: such as dengue virus, influenza virus, HIV, HBsAg, HCV, Corona virus, rota virus etc.
- Bacterial infections: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, E. coli, Salmonella, mycobacterium etc.
- Fungal Infection: Candida, Aspergillus etc.
- Protozoal infection: Malaria, Entamoeba histolytica etc.
- Inflammatory diseases: Autoimmune diseases e.g. Rheumatoid arthritis
- Allergic reations
- Malignancy
- Immunisation
What are the symptoms of fever?
- Hyperthermia
- Sweating
- Chills and shivering
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Loss of appetite
- Irritability
- Dehydration
- General weakness
What are the investigations to diagnose fever?
Laboratory investigations are needed to diagnose the specific cause of fever. Routine investigations are:
- CBC- complete blood count
- Urine test
- Malarial test
- Typhoid test
- Dengue test
- Chest Xray
What is the treatment of fever?
Antipyretics may be used for symptomatic relief of fever. Specific treatment may be required to treat the underlying cause of fever.
Contact details:
Head office-RBL DIAGNOSTICS PVT LTD 1P Sector 19 near HUDA office behind court complex Kaithal-136027
Phone: +919518013337
SCO No. 108 near civil hospital HUDA complex Jind-126102
Phone: +918307746460
Near LNJP hospital, Kaithal roa Kurukshetra- 136119 Phone: +918295953750
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